Egg production and poultry feed factory

in Asia & Completed
This project is located in an isolated region in Central-East Asia. Because of this regions’ isolation, very few people have been reached with the gospel, although some Christian communities do exist. Many Christians in this rural region have a poultry farm as their main source of income. However, equipment and feed for egg production is relatively expensive.
After an economic feasibility study, a high-quality poultry company was established in this rural region in order to contribute to transformation of the local economy and financially support Christian communities. This company provides local poultry farmers with training, equipment and feed. Eggs produced by these poultry farmers are then sold on the local market as a source of income.
Since its establishment, this company has grown to support over 80 poultry farmers in the region. This allowed the company to positively impact the wider community through job creation, increasing family incomes, providing business opportunities and create a growing network of people to expand and strengthen community wellbeing. Through their network, the company is able to share the gospel in an unreached region.