Praise God this year we have our first harvest of apples. A couple of days ago we harvested 700 kg of apples and sold them for an okay price. This years harvest of apples is very good, that is why the price is quite low. So, this year is the first year we are paying back to the project!!! That is a great victory for us. Praise the Lord together with us for His incredible faithfulness!
Challanges and blessings
We want to thank our Lord Jesus Christ for this year. It was challenging and blessed at the same time. For us as owners, a lot happened in our private lives. In Summer our daughter got a grant to study abroad. It is a wonderful miracle, because the grant is covering not only study tuitions, but also the flights and all connected costs. She is doing well and is enjoying her studies.
In summer a relative passed away in an accident. Our whole family was very much persecuted by our community. The spouse was pressed to renounce his faith in order for the relative to be buried in proper way. He denied, but was under much pressure from the community and from the close relatives. Their children turned their backs on the spouse, Please, pray for the spouse to be strengthened in faith, be consoled in this loss and go through this period of grieving relying on our Lord Jesus Christ. Even in a very difficult moment the person did not deny Jesus, and said “Jesus is my life, He is my heart and the very essence of who I am.”
After all events of persecutions in our village after the accident, God did a miracle. I thought that people just turned their backs on us, but one day a woman from the village came. She said: “I hear so many bad things about you. But I see that your life is so different from the lives of other people in the village. So, I was very curious to get to know you better.”
We shared Gospel with this woman. We found out that she needed Christ a lot, because had a very messy life. She opened her heart for Jesus and received Him as her Savior. Two weeks ago she met the church pastors and the lady was baptized. Please pray for her spiritual growth and development. Praise the Lord for this new born soul!