Join us

Adopt a project

Support a company run by a Christian entrepreneur. Invest in our projects by adopting a part of them. Or give a loan. Support a business, Curious which investment suits you the best and what the return of investment is? Contact us!


Invest in our projects through donating. This can be a one-time donation or you can become a donor.

Click the button or you can transfer your payment to
Account: 2600 060 806
ABA: 211 372 404.

Give time

Invest in our projects with your time and skills. Check our vacancies for opportunities! No vacancies to match your talents? Contact us to see if we can find a suitable project.


Through our businesses we want to reach people who live in spiritually unreached countries. This is often quite challenging. Please pray for those who work in the businesses we start, for their physical protection, perseverance in difficulties, and witness for Christ.

How we work

Our partner companies are screened carefully. We look for sound and sustainable business operations, and for the pursuit of deep spiritual impact. We give advise, examine the business plan and stay around. For example in the board, or by coaching the management team.

We alse give advise about the spiritual goals of the company. The impact can take different forms. Besides running a sustainable ethical business, the profit also is shared with rehab centers, church organisations, eldercare, or orphancare.  All our partners are commited for a deep and longterm impact in their region.

Why invest?

Your investment can create a powerful spiritual and economic impact. By investing in one of our partner projects, you will be helping to finance a business, owned and operated by a faith-driven entrepreneur, that is providing jobs to a community, even as it seeks to influence that community for eternity. We call these businesses “missional enterprises”.

Our start-ups are intentionally built in challenging environments. Where there is a real need, you can make a big impact. The projects help their communities flourish. The company provides people with economic and spiritual bread.  If you have found our business model inspiring and would like to collaborate, we would love to hear from you. Together we will discuss how we can support entrepreneurs with a mission together